Conducting fair and independent investigations into workplace complaints, incidents and allegations of inappropriate conduct or serious misconduct is a critical role for HR and business managers. A clear policy framework forms the foundation for the management of misconduct and complaints. Each organisation will have individual differences which means that the guidelines and framework implemented in each workplace will be unique. The policy framework needs to be written and developed in consideration of the prevailing industrial law of the state or territory, the industrial instruments, awards across the workforce and the culture and goals of the organisation.
A clear and well-articulated policy framework for employees should contain the following elements:
- A Code of Conduct to provide guidance on basic behavioural standards for the organisation and employees within;
- Specific policies covering the major behavioural risks based on their specific industry;
- Procedures for dealing with complaints including customer and employee complaints;
- Procedures on how organisations will conduct investigations and manage allegations of disciplinary breaches.
This module has been compiled to provide guidance on how to conduct independent investigations, which follow all the guiding legal principles, in order to provide robust advice to organisations when making disciplinary decisions.